Ah, to be back on Czech soil, and do you know where I want to go first? That's right, Pivovar Kacov! (it's kind of a tradition by now). Won't you please join me for some delicious nectar ...
It's crazy to think that this is one of the oldest breweries in the land...dating back to 1457! For almost two centuries, the Kacov Brewery belonged to the ruling Habsburg Dynasty. Nationalized after World War I, the brewery was closed down in 1957, but re-opened in 1993 thanks to two entrepreneurs from Prague. The current owner, Pivovar Kacov, Ltd., supplies this delicious brew to his own pub, which is located on the brewery grounds, as well as several establishments in the area as well as in Prague.
So what will it be...the 10-degree, 12-degree, or the special 13-degree stout?
Na Zdravi!

Hungry? (keep a piece of bread...I'll show you why when we leave)
Kacov castle looms overhead, but who is that I see?
Some windows have nobility figures painted on them. Legend says it's for the servants working in the fields to think that they are constantly being watched over. Perhaps she'd like to join us for a pivo!

View across the Sazava river...as seen from Pivovar Kacov
There are always ducks to feed...

So hand over that bread I told you to save!

Kacov as seen from across the river
I am so intrigued by this little ole' train...next time I'll ride it from village to village and explore
V Podskali 6
285 09 Kacov nad Sazavou