My dear Lady, my Lord...
You sayeth you are most famished?
Well look thee no further, fore there lies a restaurant just yonder!
Let us go thither...
Welcometh to U Sádlů

There are 2 locations - Klimentska 2 in New Town and Balbínova 22 in Vinohrady. This is the one on Klimentska, and my preferred one.
There are 2 locations - Klimentska 2 in New Town and Balbínova 22 in Vinohrady. This is the one on Klimentska, and my preferred one.
Follow me down ye candlelit stairs. Marry! Ye stairs are most windy!
Ye dining hall 'tis most splendid!
By my troth! 'Tis lard is most divine!
Pray pardon me - I must skip off to ye privy
We shall feast!
U Sádlů is a meat lover's paradise Skip the menu entirely and order the Staročeská mísa pana Buška z Bezdružic (saying "traditional Czech platter" will do). It's essentially what you see below and it's damn good. It consists of typical Czech dishes including roast duck, roast marinated ribs, pork knuckle, roasted chicken thighs, smoked and roasted pork, red and white cabbage, spinach, bacon, potato and bread dumplings, potato pancakes, and vegetables. Yeah, you best be hungry! Bear in mind the platter is for two or more people and is priced per person...and at 320kc pp (approx $18) that is a bargain for this much food. It is a lot of food but whatever you do, make sure to eat the duck. Never ever leave the duck.
...And feast we did!
Location: U Sádlů Klimentská 1203/2, 110 00 Praha - Nové Město (New Town)