Thursday, November 3, 2011

Tuesday's House Insignia of the Day Revealed - House at The Three Feathers

House at The Three Feathers

Back during the 13th century, this building was home to a doctor by the name of Jakub Lavín of Ottenfeld. Then from the year 1405 through the 1600s, a brewery was situated here, which probably led to the building's nickname, V pekle, meaning "in hell".  In the year1713, the building is listed as property of the Kinský family - they had a palace in Old Town Square and the stables ran alongside this same street. 

Kinský Palace in Old Town Square

It is said that the three feathers are a recreation of an earlier insignia that showed three tusk-like teeth of the Kinský coat-of-arms.  However, three white feathers on a black background have a long Czech pedigree.  Can you spot the Kinský coat-of-arms in the photo of their palace above?

Here's a hint...

Location:  Týnská 10, Old Town